12 February 2016

Oracle SQL Developer - Configuring the third party JTDC/JDBC Drivers. (MySQL, PostGres)

Setting it up

First, download the version of the connector you want from the from respective websites. Place the JAR file in whatever directory you want.

Now start SQL Developer and click on the 

Setup Navigation : Tools -> Preference -> Database -> Third Party JDBC Drivers-> Add Entry

On Click on the Add Entry button, which brings up a Select Path Entry dialog box. Navigate to wherever you've stored the JAR file and select.

Once you complete the configuration then it will be normal process to configure connection.

For PostGres JTDC Plugin- JAR file - > https://jdbc.postgresql.org/download.html
For MySQL JTDC Plugin- JAR file - >http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/j/

Source : http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/sql-developer/mysql-connection-viewlet-swf-085075.html